How to integrate LACRM with WordPress – Digital Radium

Who is Less Annoying CRM?

A no-nonsense & straightforward CRM company that was started by two brothers in 2009, with a simple mission of helping small businesses succeed. The primary focus of Less Annoying CRM is providing their customers with “what they really need," and not with anything that they don't. This means no annoying buzzwords, no confusing pricing plans, no long-term contracts, and none of those other things that we all know are true and most definitely annoying.

Why opt for Less Annoying CRM?

Many firms provide amazing CRMs products to you, perhaps with a million features. However, the million-dollar question is, as a small business, do you even need those many features? Also, as the name so rightly suggests, this is by far the least annoying CRM you'll ever lay your hands on. And a couple of more sensible reasons as to why choosing the LACRM is the best choice for you:

  • It’s built specifically for small enterprises
  • It is affordable (running on a shoestring budget, we got you)
  • No crappy sale tricks (None at all. Period.)
  • Excellent customer service

Integrating WordPress with Less Annoying CRM:

Are you wondering what you could do best to incorporate Less Annoying CRM with WordPress? Less Annoying CRM is distinctive amongst other CRM's such as Zoho CRM, etc.,. LACRM is perhaps the most straightforward instrument you can employ, and it coordinates inconceivably well with WP, which is plain awesome for you.

In this article, we're going to walk you through the process of integrating Less Annoying CRM and WordPress which will help you with managing leads through your email. By the end of the article, you will be able to know:

  • How to secure leads data on your site with a subscribe form
  • Automatically send new blog posts via an automated email newsletter

Also, we’ll recommend a slew of WordPress plugins that can supercharge your CRM marketing.

Why connect with wordpress?

WordPress is considered the most popular open source Content Management System which is used by approximately 75 million websites. The second best thing is it is free to install, deploy, and upgrade.

Thousands of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, which reduces development costs and time. This system allows your team to manage projects, assign individual tasks, track marketing campaigns, and helps convert your leads into loyal customers, easily import contacts and other records.

Connecting to the CRM

Here's a preview on how to connect contact form 7 with Less annoying to WordPress.

Step 1: Create a contact form.
Step 2: Add the below code to functions.php. The code Below shows how to get contact form post data and passing data to lessAnnoyingCRM using PHP, please update your contact form 7 title (In wpcf7_mail_sent_function. My contact form title is Estimate; Please replace your title there).

Once done login to Less Annoying CRM and Get your user UserCode and API token from

add_action( 'wpcf7_mail_sent', 'wpcf7_mail_sent_function', 10, 1 ); 

function wpcf7_mail_sent_function($contact_form){
 $title = $contact_form->title;
 $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();

  $posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data();
  if($title == "Estimate"){
   return true;

The only required field is a contact or company name (Note: Below code is only used to create a contact, not a company).

Step 3: When entering a contact, you can either enter a FullName, or five separate fields (Salutation, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix). If you enter separate names, you are required to have at least a first or the last name (everything else is optional).

function lessAnnoyingCRM($postData){
    $UserCode = "*****";
    $APIToken = "******************************************************";
    //CreateContact is the function name used in Lessannoying CRM
    $Function = "CreateContact";

    $FullName = $postData['first-name']." ".$postData['last-name'];
    $Email = array(
    $Phone = array(
    $Address = array(
            "State"=>$postData['St Louis'],
            "Type"=>"Home Address"
    /* Creating Contact */ 
    $Parameters = array(
    $APIResult = CallAPI($UserCode, $APIToken, $Function, $Parameters);
    if($APIResult['Success'] === true){
        /* Creating Notes of your requirements */
        $Function = "CreateNote";
        $ContactId = $APIResult['ContactId'];
        $Parameters = array(
        CallAPI($UserCode, $APIToken, $Function, $Parameters);
        return true;
        return false;

function CallAPI($UserCode, $APIToken, $Function, $Parameters){
    $APIResult = file_get_contents("$UserCode
    $APIResult = json_decode($APIResult, true);
    return $APIResult;

Another “why”: Why Digital Radium?

Well, we are here to ensure you get the leads directly assigned as a task, and you can connect with your prospective customers with just a few clicks. We help in easing the complete integration process. With over years of experience in several aspects of service-based solutions, we have come a long way partnering with LA CRM to provide small businesses with a handy, easy, and smooth integration that helps them interact with their leads without any hassles!

What to conclude from this blog

The above code example only shows how to push the contact into the CRM, we also create a task and perform other activities based on your requirement. In addition to that, we have explained the most widely used contact form 7. Our combined expertise will help you integrate Less Annoying CRM with Gravity forms, WU forms, etc., So, start your business expansion in the most least annoying way possible!

Call us today to talk about integrating your website with other software tools, +1 314 546 4772

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