How to integrate GA4 with WooCommerce for enhanced eCommerce tracking?

We all know that WordPress is an immensely popular and versatile content management system (CMS) that powers a significant portion of websites on the internet. One of the key factors contributing to WordPress's flexibility is its extensive library of plugins, and among these, WooCommerce stands out as a prominent and essential tool for anyone looking to establish an online store

Whether you're a seasoned online merchant or just starting your journey into the world of e-commerce, WooCommerce offers you a robust platform to create, manage, and grow your online store. With its user-friendly interface and extensive feature set, WooCommerce empowers you to sell products and services to customers all around the globe.

To boost your business even further, you should make informed decisions to level up your eCommerce game. By integrating ga4 with WooCommerce you can make data-driven decisions and improve your overall marketing strategies.

We can integrate Ga4 with WooCommerce in two different ways,

  1. WooCommerce Plugin
  2. GTM4WP Plugin

We chose these two plugins since they are the most commonly used plugins for Ga4 WooCommerce integration. These two vary significantly from each other and we’ll talk more about it after we’ve covered the steps.

Now hold on a bit. Before we move further, It’s important that you set up your GA4 on your website to get the measurement ID. If not, you can read our detailed guide on how to set up and implement Google Analytics 4 for your website.

WooCommerce Plugin

We’re assuming that you have already installed the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress website. if you didn’t, as you can just search and install the plugin within the dashboard easily.

Before you integrate ga4 with WooCommerce, You should head over to the admin panel of your site and add the WooCommerce plugin in the plugin section of the dashboard.

Now that you have the WooCommerce plugin set and ready to do its wonders, we’ll see how we can integrate Ga4 into your WooCommerce in a few steps.

As you can see in the video above, you have to visit the side panel of your WordPress dashboard and select your WooCommerce plugin.

Then click “Settings” and navigate your way through “integration” → “Google Analytics”

In the Google Analytics Tracking ID, cement your Google Analytics 4 measurement ID. Finally, scroll down and click “Save Changes” and that’s it!

Setting up Ga4 eCommerce tracking for WordPress for your WooCommerce is fairly straightforward and simple as we’ve just seen.

GTM4WP Plugin

As a prerequisite for this method, you should have Google Tag Manager set up for your WordPress site.

To integrate the GTMWP plugin into your WordPress site, you should head over to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins” → “Add new”

How to integrate GA4 with WooCommerce for enhanced eCommerce tracking?

Then on the search bar, search for the “GTM4WP” plugin, as shown in the image below. Click on “Activate” to kickstart your Ga4 WooCommerce integration journey.

How to integrate GA4 with WooCommerce for enhanced eCommerce tracking?

Once you’ve installed the “GTM4WP” plugin, you should see the same in the plugins section of the dashboard.

Head over to the settings section of the GTM4WP plugin and place the Google Tag Manager ID in the relevant section as in the image below. Click on “Save Changes”

How to integrate GA4 with WooCommerce for enhanced eCommerce tracking?

Then click on “Integration” and go to “WooCommerce”. Make sure to check the “Track enhanced eCommerce” as your eCommerce data will flow only if you turn this on.

Assuming you’ve done all these steps, you would have no problem with tracking all of your eCommerce transactions.
All that is left now is to let your Google Analytics 4 know all the data transactions happening in your Google Tag Manager by creating Tags.

If you already feel like it’s a lot of steps to follow, you can always let us help you with Ga4 WooCommerce integration in a nick of time!

Creating GTM Tags for WooCommerce Ga4 Integration

To create a Tag for Ga4, you should go to your respective Google Tag Manager account.

Then go to “Tags” → “Tag Configuration”. Under this section select, “Google Tag”. Don’t hesitate as the name of this tag was changed from Google Analytics 4 Configuration to Google Tag in September. So, yes, we’re on the right track.

Under the “Triggering” section, select the mentioned trigger in the image below.

How to integrate GA4 with WooCommerce for enhanced eCommerce tracking?

Before you create an event tag, you need to add a GTM container to Google Tag Manager. To put it plainly, it’s a pain to create your own source of GTM container as it requires a bit of coding to keep going on your Ga4 WooCommerce integration journey.

However, you can download the resource and skip the hectic process by relying on many trusted sources like Loves Data.

Once you downloaded the container file, you can head over to “Admin” → “Import Container” to upload the container file.

How to integrate GA4 with WooCommerce for enhanced eCommerce tracking?

Here, you’ll be left with two options to choose from,

  1. Overwrite
  2. Merge.

To put it in simple words, the Overwrite option will delete all the existing tags and overwrite them with the new ones in the container document. The merge option will let you keep the existing tags if you have any. If you have any conflicting tags with the same name, but the content is different, GTM will rename the new container with a new name.

Once you’ve decided what you want, you can go right ahead and click on “Confirm”.

If you have done all the steps in the right way, you should see these event tags in the Workspace under Overview.

Enhanced Ecommerce GTM Container

And that’s it! We have successfully completed the process of integrating ga4 with WooCommerce.

To further confirm that all the events are up and running, you can preview your events using Google Tag Assistant and check all of your event tags individually.

Reasons to Choose GTM4WP Over WooCommerce Plugin

While the first method is very easy to get the job done for WooCommerce Ga4 integration with GTM, it has its own set of limitations as well.

With the WooCommerce plugin, the number of events that you can track is limited. You can get the pro version of WooCommerce plugin to unlock essential events to track but you have to pay $10/month to start with.

Hey, we have a simple solution and you don’t have to pay that much. To track useful events of your choice specific to your business requirements, you can get the GTMW4P for free which has all the features you can avail. The only catch is that you have to create custom events in the plugin.

We’re here to do exactly that! By contacting the Best Digital Marketing Company in town, you can now create custom events of your choice without sweating a drop. And of course, you don’t have to pay a hectic amount of money every month to track your valuable events that you potentially scale your business to new heights!


Integrating ga4 with WooCommerce can indeed superpower your business by helping you make data-driven decisions. We feel every business regarding the size, should do it. No excuses.

Make the smart and choose wisely between the said plugins. If you feel like these are a bit hard to do yourself, don’t hesitate to let us know. We’ll help you with Ga4 WooCommerce integration in no time!


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